Online Hearing Test Request Appointment
1775 Sprucewood Ave., LaSalle: (519) 250-9870 132-2462 Howard Avenue, Windsor: (519) 250-9870

Our Services

Hearing Testing

How to Know if You Have Hearing Loss

For most people, hearing loss doesn’t happen overnight. Instead, it’s gradual, slowly getting worse over the years. This gradualness can be deceiving, and can cause many people to be unsure that what they’re experiencing is really hearing loss.

Hearing tests are the definitive way to measure hearing loss

The best way to determine for sure if you have hearing loss is to test and measure it.

1. You can start by taking our free Online hearing test. This short, simple screening tool is easy to use, and you can do it from home on your computer or smart tablet.

2. You can also try our hearing loss simulator. This interactive tool demonstrates what hearing loss sounds like — from mild hearing loss to severe, and in a variety of situations and environments.

The most accurate hearing tests are done in office

To get an accurate hearing measurement, a visit to our office is recommended. At our office, we have the proper equipment, calibrated testing tools, and a sound-proof facility needed to measure your hearing with precision.

Tests we recommend: 

  • Pressure test to check the flexibility of your eardrum (and its ability to transmit sound).
  • Tone test to measure how softly you can hear tones of different pitches (which will be charted on an audiogram).
  • Speech test where you are asked to repeat words and/or sentences you hear at different volumes.

  • We’ll display the results of your test in an audiogram, which accurately charts the type, degree and configuration of your hearing loss.

We do Children’s Hearing Tests

Proper hearing is needed for early speech and language development. If you suspect your child is struggling and having difficulties call us to book an appointment. Early detection of hearing loss can result in better speech and language outcomes. There are several treatments available to improve a child’s hearing loss. Hearing aids, cochlear implants, speech therapy, and assistive listening devices could help. Our Audiologists are here to help make the testing as stress free as possible.

Signs of impaired hearing:

  • Delayed speech
  • Difficulty focusing/learning
  • Not responding to sounds
  • Difficulty hearing in noisy environments
  • Learning and social skills

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